Top 6 places to go in Toronto

Are you planning to visit Toronto any time soon? If you are, I have listed six places for you to visit. One advice I would give to those who are planning to visit Toronto in the winter time is … please don’t. As an individual who lived in Toronto for two years and a half, I can strongly tell you that visiting Toronto in the winter time is MADNESS.


6. Royal Ontario Museum

I’ve been to the Royal Ontario Museum twice. I loved my experience both times because their arts were always beyond my expectations and blew me away. The museum is open from 10 am to 5:30 pm every day of the week — even Sunday! The ticket price for one adult is 20 dollars, BUT if you have a student ID, you can get a discounted price of 16.5 dollars.  (To learn more click here)

5. High Park

If you want to visit High park, go there in April or May, because that is when cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The countless cherry blossoms (also known as Sakura cherry trees) turn the park into a white and pink cotton candy. If you are visiting in different time of the year, don’t worry too much, because the park is still beautiful anyway. The park offers many different hiking paths, variety of sporting facility, playgrounds, and sometimes even food trucks! (To learn more click here)

4. Toronto Island

Toronto Island is more than an island. It offers entertainment for EVERYONE. First, it has Centreville amusement park for children aged 3 – 7 where the rides aren’t scary and geared for young children. For family with older children, there is the Hanlan’s Point where parents and children can have fun and play games in the open area. For older couples, there are areas on the island where you can have picnics and BBQ. For younger couples, there is a nude beach where they can be free from the rest of the world. (To learn more click here)

3. CN Tower

CN Tower is one of few buildings that represents Toronto. It has the prettiest views at night than day in my opinion because you get to see all the pretty city lights. The CN Tower waiting lines can get pretty long if you choose the wrong time of the day, but the wait really depends on luck. (To learn more click here)

2. Tim Hortons

Oh yes, Tim Hortons. If you are visiting Canada, you have to check out Tim Hortons. It is Canada’s Starbucks. My favorite is medium Icecap and chocolate Timbits. Icecap is a coffee slush and Timbits are sphere-like-donuts. You’ll probably see Tim Hortons every two blocks in Toronto, so you don’t need any info.

1. St. Lawrence Market

St. Lawrence Market is a very historical market. St. Lawrence Market has the magic where it makes you forget about Walmart, Krogers, and Publix. It simply tells your heart that St. Lawrence market is the number one market in the world. Period. (To learn more click here)