How to prevent hair loss in college

You go to take a shower. You wet your hair, place shampoo on your head, then immediately check your hand. You see a clump of hair between your fingers. Then you count. One, two, three, four, and once you hit fifteen, you realize you are losing hair.

It is stressful to deal with losing hair in college. You’re worried whether you’ll be bald by the age of 25, but don’t worry, it seems like you can slow down the process or even revert hair loss.


1. Try a topical cream

There are many types of topical cream you can use such as Minoxidil more commonly know as Rogaine or Finasteride also known as Propecia. While both medications are FDA approved, Minoxidil is an over-the-counter drug that can be used by both genders and Finasteride is a prescription drug only available to men. Of course, both drugs have side effects such as increased heart rate, possibility of cancer, and continuous application on head for effect. Consequently, I advice you to use topical cream as your final resort.

2. It’s the stress

College is stressful. If you are not organized, your stress will only amplify. When immense amount of stress continues to give you emotional distress, you will start losing hair. This obviously isn’t a common cause for hair loss, but it can happen. I advice you to get away from school work at least once every two weeks. You can either go hiking at Gatlinburg, watch five episodes of Game of Thrones, or go to a party.

3. Get your vitamins

Busy and expensive college life can impact the way you eat. Don’t we all love the fast food restaurants such as Chick-fil-A, Dippers, and Canes? They are cheap, delicious, and easily accessible, however, as most of you would know, fast food restaurants are not healthy. Their food lack in vitamin B which is essential for healthy scalp and hair growth. You want your hair back? Start it by balancing your diet. Eat your vegetables and fruits and you may see a difference.

4. Quick weight loss

Going on a diet isn’t a bad thing. A dramatic weight loss can ironically make you look bad when you were actually trying to look good, however. A quick weight loss is a form of physical stress and it causes your hair to thin. Hair thinning worsens as you continue to pursue more weight loss because your body would lack in vitamins and nutrients. Remember to go on a healthy weight loss that gives you the body and the hair you want.