Why I started a YouTube channel with my girlfriend

For those of you who don’t know, I started a YouTube channel with my girlfriend about a week ago. We talked about making a vlog together for a long time and we finally have two videos on our channel. (To learn more click here)


But most people don’t know I actually have my personal YouTube channel that I made since the first day of college(mostly because I didn’t shared it and just showed it to my best friends). In that channel I posted a lot of random stuff such as parties I attended, informative vlogs, and math tutorials. (To learn more click here)

I stopped my channel after six months because I left my camera at home, and my Samsung S4’s camera didn’t have good video quality. Although I don’t make any more videos on my personal channel, I occasionally re-watch videos because it makes me smile and giggle.

Similarly, my girlfriend and I thought making YouTube videos together is a great way to keep our memories, and to share our interracial experience. We realized society hasn’t completely approved interracial couples, especially countries in Asia, so we decided to support our fellow interracial couples by creating a YouTube channel.

We are thinking of uploading a video every week until I leave to London in May.

For any of the interracial couples out there, remember to have fun and remember I (and my girlfriend) got your back.




Did I mention my girlfriend yet?

Even though I have a nerdy personality, I managed to get a girlfriend.

Yes, I’m taken.

Let me tell you how we met.

We were at the Dragon Light Festival!


The first time I saw my girlfriend was at the library. Wow, isn’t that a lovely place to meet a girl. Well, this is what happened. My friend, Shelby, and I were waiting at the library for Kascade members (to learn more about Kascade click here) to show up, so they can practice for their performance at the annual Knoxville Asian Festival. It was only my first week at the University of Tennessee and I was just searching for a club to join.

After about ten minutes, an American girl walked towards us saying “hi” to Shelby. Then, she introduced me as Savannah. Yes, she is my future girlfriend.

Our relationship didn’t begin romantically or fall in love at first sight, but we started out as friends. The more we hung out, we realized we liked to be around each other a lot and found ourselves spending everyday together. (I’m sorry for the cheesiness hahaha)

So, long story short, we were “friends” for two months, and now, we have been dating for almost two hundred days.

How did I ask her to be my girlfriend?

Um, I just asked her to be my girlfriend in the middle of a movie at her house. (Yes, I agree, I’ll try to be more romantic)