3 addictions you shouldn’t have in college

As a current college student, I know exactly what ruins a student’s career. Everybody wants a high GPA, great friends, and cherishing college experiences, but their wants cannot be achieved if they have any of the three addictions listed below.


1. Smartphone addiction

Since the early 2000’s, personal electronics rapidly developed and now almost everyone in college carries a smartphone. The online service and variety of functions that a smartphone provides is essential to college work, because nowadays many assignments are given and submitted via online. However, when you see college students on their phone, most of the times they are not doing tasks related to school work, but scrolling through social media such as Instagram and Facebook.

Instead of utilizing great resources for educational purposes, many of young adults are distracted by entertainment that is readily accessible. Excessive use of cellphone for entertainment purpose diminishes the time spent on reading textbooks which results in a low GPA. Furthermore, the more time spent on a smartphone screen equals less time spent on real face-to-face interaction. It is proven that eye contact makes human interaction more intimate. Remember, if you want to have a great college experience, put down your smartphone.

2. Alcohol addiction

I’m not telling you to stop drinking. You can go to whatever party you like and drink however you like. All I’m saying is don’t drink alcohol like its water. I have a friend who I will call Ricky. Ricky is a first year in college and got accepted to a fraternity. Ricky always carries a beer can and never drinks water (or I never saw him drink water). This may not seem like a big problem to you, but Ricky has a hard time doing his homework on time and passing class. Yes, Ricky has an alcohol addiction problem. Alcohol addiction will ruin your college GPA, and it will eventually make you dropout of school. Alcohol addiction is a serious problem, so next time you drink, drink responsibly.

3. Drug addiction

I’m sure this is straight forward. Please don’t be a drug addict. Becoming a drug addict is the fastest way to destroy everything you worked for.