How to know you’re a college freshman

It’s easy to tell who’s a college freshman and here’s how.

college student
Image via JESHOOTScom

1. Avoids free stuff

Everybody knows college students are penniless. All the money they earned during three months of summer vacation goes towards expensive tuition. Hence, college students survive by taking advantage of random free stuff on sidewalks, library, different college buildings, and much more. On the other hand, college freshman don’t seem to realize the importance of free stuff. In fact they don’t necessarily approach stands that give out free stuff because they feel awkward, guilty, and uncertain that they should actually take it.

2. Walks with a map

Colleges are so much bigger than high schools. The first week of school year, you can see college freshmen staring at their cellphone trying to locate their classroom buildings. Often times, when you are in class, you might be able to see college freshmen peeking into your classroom looking confused and lost.

3. Dresses up

College freshmen have a misconception of college lifestyle. That is probably due to a lot of movies that brainwash them.  Unlike their fantasy of college, in reality, college is a place where you grind and drink a lot of coffee. Let me explain this more clearly. Was your high school anything close to the high school musical movie? Probably not, so stop fantasizing and get your head in the game.

4. They go to textbook stores

Upperclassmen know many professors barely use textbooks. Textbooks are for newbies, and college freshmen who think physical textbooks are crucial goes to book stores to buy them. Okay, even if we do need textbooks, no one will go to the store to buy hundreds of dollars worth of books. We, the experienced college students, know there are free pdf file of textbooks somewhere in the internet — you just have to search for them. #useyourmoneywisely



Swings N’ Things

Let me tell you why you should study two weeks prior to your final exams. First, you don’t have to stay up till three in the morning for four days straight. Second, you can go on a date with your girlfriend!

Today, after my engineering exam, I went on a nice little date with my girlfriend.

First thing, we drove to marketsquare. The weather? It was great!

Look how blue the sky is! Just gorgeous weather.

As soon as we got to marketsquare, we went to Kabuki.


A little expensive for the amount but delicious!

We both ordered chicken hibachi. It was about 12 dollars and the food was absolutely delicious. We chose to eat on the patio and it turned out to be a great decision because the weather was marvelous and there was a middle school jazz band performing on stage. They reminded me of my old days when I was in Jazz band. Reminiscing…

Middle school students playing some dope ass Jazz.  Go get em boys and girls!

After Kabuki, we went home…

Just kidding! We obviously didn’t forget our dessert!

Like usual, we went to our favorite ice cream place in town called Coolato Gelato.

Coolato Gelato is the building on the left to Starbucks Coffee. It has that cute pink umbrella on the patio.

Coolato Gelato feels very artistic inside.

Look at these beautiful art pieces inside the cafe!

We got a medium gelato and it was 5.5 dollars. I would say a medium gelato is enough to feed two people because they are pretty generous with their ice cream scoops.

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It feels very cozy inside, but when we were there, it was pretty chilly because of the strong air conditioner. You might want to bring an extra jacket if you want to stay inside.

After our dessert at Coolato Gelato, we went to the riverside. Savannah told me the riverside is pretty at sunset, but I didn’t expect the view to be that pretty! My jaw dropped immediately I saw the beautiful view.

The  view took my breathe away

We wanted to enjoy the view a little longer so we sat at the nearby water front stairs.

Peaceful, tranquil, romantic, happy

Surprisingly, the view got better as it got darker.

Savannah told me the bridge’s lights are purple to honor singer Prince. I thought that was pretty cool.


It was nice to have some fresh air in the midst of many stressful study days.

Overall, our date was a success.

Night mood is lovely


Have a great day!

Why I became a cat person

So, I’m a cat person now.

I wasn’t a cat person from the beginning. In fact, I wasn’t even close to being a cat person. All my life, I wanted a dog. I vividly remember begging my parents for a cute little dog for years, but now I just want a cat.

picture via Pexels

What happened Jeff?

Well, my girlfriend owns four cats and I hangout with them a lot. Their names are Bubba(male), Kimchi(male), Oreo(female), and Sailor(female). I quickly learned that cats are weird but cute, quirky but funny, and dumb but loyal.

Let me tell you some of the cat drama that goes on.

“huh?” – Bubba

Bubba is a very fluffy cat. His fur is like three inches thick. He’s kind of dumb and we all think he’s gay because he humps Kimchi. But! whenever Sailor comes back home, as she stays away from home most of the time, Bubba and Sailor go all out in making out. So, I think he is just bi-sexual.

“I don’t want to leave this place” – Sailor

Sailor doesn’t live in Savannah’s house most of the time. She lives in Ben’s (Savannah’s older brother) apartment and only comes home when Ben needs someone to take care of Sailor. There are only two things I know about Sailor. First, she was saved by Ben when she was a kitten near a construction site. Second is that Sailor and Bubba likes each other.

“play with me” – Kimchi


Kimchi is a very athletic cat. He is adventurous and active. Unlike Bubba who is allowed to wander around the backyard, Kimchi barely gets any time outside because he would just run away. One weird thing about Kimchi is that he loves to lick people’s hand. Surprisingly, it feels pretty good, so I think that’s a bonus for him.

“Teach me how to be fit, damn it” – Oreo

Oreo is a very chubby cat. She is the one who used to sit on my lap and casually sleep as my lap is her bed, but nowadays she avoids me because I teased her a lot since then. She has short legs so it’s hilarious to look at her walking around the house. Unfortunately, Oreo gets attacked by Kimchi a lot and never wins. Another thing about Oreo is he breathes like Dark Vador. I’ll record his breathing next time and prove it.


You see?! Cats are funny, dorky, and weird.

So, yeah, I’m a cat person now.

p.s If any of you have an extra Munchkin, contact me.

Have a great day!


5 things you must know before visiting South Korea

So I’m guessing you finally decided to visit South Korea. Well, Congratulations! But, before you get on your airplane, read this article so you learn some Korean culture and not offend anyone. Let’s get into it!


1. Tip? What is that?

Unlike the western world, there is no tipping culture in South Korea. Are you asking me if I’m sure? Well, as a South Korean, I can say, YES I’M SURE. In fact, when I moved to Canada and learned about the western world’s 20% tipping culture, I was shocked. But just because I said you don’t need to tip doesn’t mean tipping is an offensive gesture. If you want to tip your waiter/waitress because he/she did a great job, feel free to do so. (To learn more click here)

2. Taxis are great, but Buses and Subways are better!

Taxis start at three thousand won(around 2.7 dollars) and depending on your travel distance the price increases and can reach ten thousand won(around 9 dollars) very quickly, but buses and subways are only thirteen hundred won(around 1 dollar) and doesn’t care how far you go. Hence, in price comparison, buses and subways are much better than taxis.

Some might say that buses and subways are dangerous and dirty, but what they don’t know is that South Korea has one of the lowest crime rate in the world and has one of the best public transit system in the world. So, if you go to Korea and you need get some where, don’t take a taxi, but walk one more block to find your bus and subway station. (To learn more click here)

3. Ajumma (아줌마) is your best bet in traditional restaurants

Don’t be offended because your waitress never came back to your table and checked on you since she placed your food on your table. Unlike the western culture where the waitress checks on their customers every ten to fifteen minutes, in the South Korea, your waitress will only visit you when you actually need something. Then, how do they know when you need something? You simply scream, “Ajumma” and they will come running to your table asking if you guys need anything. “Ajumma” is a respectful Korean word  for a married or old woman. If you don’t like the word “Ajumma”, you can call her “Imo”. Yes, it sounds like “emo”, but “Imo” actually means aunt in Korea. The reason we call them “Imo” is because South Koreans have “Jung(정)” which cannot be translated to any English word. (To learn more click here)


4. We bow first, and then shake hands

It will be an awkward moment if you randomly try to shake someone’s hand in South Korea before bowing. Always, before shaking hands or doing any greeting gestures such as hugs, please bow first. Bowing in Korea is a respectful way of greeting people. If you go to restaurants, malls, or even amusement park, there will be male or female person in front of the gate bowing to greet you and that is not uncommon. So if you want to make South Korean friends, you can bow first, then shake hands, and have a great conversation! (To learn more click here)

5. The street is crowded

First, I would like to apologize to anyone who feels offended when someone hits them on the shoulder while walking on streets. Unfortunately, due to overpopulation in such small area (urban areas such as Gangnam or Myeongdong) your shoulders WILL be hit by another human being. There is no private space in South Korea, so don’t be offended if someone hits your shoulders. It’s not because they hate you or they are ignorant, but because they physically can’t avoid hitting you. (To learn more click here)




Top 6 places to go in Toronto

Are you planning to visit Toronto any time soon? If you are, I have listed six places for you to visit. One advice I would give to those who are planning to visit Toronto in the winter time is … please don’t. As an individual who lived in Toronto for two years and a half, I can strongly tell you that visiting Toronto in the winter time is MADNESS.


6. Royal Ontario Museum

I’ve been to the Royal Ontario Museum twice. I loved my experience both times because their arts were always beyond my expectations and blew me away. The museum is open from 10 am to 5:30 pm every day of the week — even Sunday! The ticket price for one adult is 20 dollars, BUT if you have a student ID, you can get a discounted price of 16.5 dollars.  (To learn more click here)

5. High Park

If you want to visit High park, go there in April or May, because that is when cherry blossoms are in full bloom. The countless cherry blossoms (also known as Sakura cherry trees) turn the park into a white and pink cotton candy. If you are visiting in different time of the year, don’t worry too much, because the park is still beautiful anyway. The park offers many different hiking paths, variety of sporting facility, playgrounds, and sometimes even food trucks! (To learn more click here)

4. Toronto Island

Toronto Island is more than an island. It offers entertainment for EVERYONE. First, it has Centreville amusement park for children aged 3 – 7 where the rides aren’t scary and geared for young children. For family with older children, there is the Hanlan’s Point where parents and children can have fun and play games in the open area. For older couples, there are areas on the island where you can have picnics and BBQ. For younger couples, there is a nude beach where they can be free from the rest of the world. (To learn more click here)

3. CN Tower

CN Tower is one of few buildings that represents Toronto. It has the prettiest views at night than day in my opinion because you get to see all the pretty city lights. The CN Tower waiting lines can get pretty long if you choose the wrong time of the day, but the wait really depends on luck. (To learn more click here)

2. Tim Hortons

Oh yes, Tim Hortons. If you are visiting Canada, you have to check out Tim Hortons. It is Canada’s Starbucks. My favorite is medium Icecap and chocolate Timbits. Icecap is a coffee slush and Timbits are sphere-like-donuts. You’ll probably see Tim Hortons every two blocks in Toronto, so you don’t need any info.

1. St. Lawrence Market

St. Lawrence Market is a very historical market. St. Lawrence Market has the magic where it makes you forget about Walmart, Krogers, and Publix. It simply tells your heart that St. Lawrence market is the number one market in the world. Period. (To learn more click here)





Why I started a YouTube channel with my girlfriend

For those of you who don’t know, I started a YouTube channel with my girlfriend about a week ago. We talked about making a vlog together for a long time and we finally have two videos on our channel. (To learn more click here)


But most people don’t know I actually have my personal YouTube channel that I made since the first day of college(mostly because I didn’t shared it and just showed it to my best friends). In that channel I posted a lot of random stuff such as parties I attended, informative vlogs, and math tutorials. (To learn more click here)

I stopped my channel after six months because I left my camera at home, and my Samsung S4’s camera didn’t have good video quality. Although I don’t make any more videos on my personal channel, I occasionally re-watch videos because it makes me smile and giggle.

Similarly, my girlfriend and I thought making YouTube videos together is a great way to keep our memories, and to share our interracial experience. We realized society hasn’t completely approved interracial couples, especially countries in Asia, so we decided to support our fellow interracial couples by creating a YouTube channel.

We are thinking of uploading a video every week until I leave to London in May.

For any of the interracial couples out there, remember to have fun and remember I (and my girlfriend) got your back.




How to prevent hair loss in college

You go to take a shower. You wet your hair, place shampoo on your head, then immediately check your hand. You see a clump of hair between your fingers. Then you count. One, two, three, four, and once you hit fifteen, you realize you are losing hair.

It is stressful to deal with losing hair in college. You’re worried whether you’ll be bald by the age of 25, but don’t worry, it seems like you can slow down the process or even revert hair loss.


1. Try a topical cream

There are many types of topical cream you can use such as Minoxidil more commonly know as Rogaine or Finasteride also known as Propecia. While both medications are FDA approved, Minoxidil is an over-the-counter drug that can be used by both genders and Finasteride is a prescription drug only available to men. Of course, both drugs have side effects such as increased heart rate, possibility of cancer, and continuous application on head for effect. Consequently, I advice you to use topical cream as your final resort.

2. It’s the stress

College is stressful. If you are not organized, your stress will only amplify. When immense amount of stress continues to give you emotional distress, you will start losing hair. This obviously isn’t a common cause for hair loss, but it can happen. I advice you to get away from school work at least once every two weeks. You can either go hiking at Gatlinburg, watch five episodes of Game of Thrones, or go to a party.

3. Get your vitamins

Busy and expensive college life can impact the way you eat. Don’t we all love the fast food restaurants such as Chick-fil-A, Dippers, and Canes? They are cheap, delicious, and easily accessible, however, as most of you would know, fast food restaurants are not healthy. Their food lack in vitamin B which is essential for healthy scalp and hair growth. You want your hair back? Start it by balancing your diet. Eat your vegetables and fruits and you may see a difference.

4. Quick weight loss

Going on a diet isn’t a bad thing. A dramatic weight loss can ironically make you look bad when you were actually trying to look good, however. A quick weight loss is a form of physical stress and it causes your hair to thin. Hair thinning worsens as you continue to pursue more weight loss because your body would lack in vitamins and nutrients. Remember to go on a healthy weight loss that gives you the body and the hair you want.

3 addictions you shouldn’t have in college

As a current college student, I know exactly what ruins a student’s career. Everybody wants a high GPA, great friends, and cherishing college experiences, but their wants cannot be achieved if they have any of the three addictions listed below.


1. Smartphone addiction

Since the early 2000’s, personal electronics rapidly developed and now almost everyone in college carries a smartphone. The online service and variety of functions that a smartphone provides is essential to college work, because nowadays many assignments are given and submitted via online. However, when you see college students on their phone, most of the times they are not doing tasks related to school work, but scrolling through social media such as Instagram and Facebook.

Instead of utilizing great resources for educational purposes, many of young adults are distracted by entertainment that is readily accessible. Excessive use of cellphone for entertainment purpose diminishes the time spent on reading textbooks which results in a low GPA. Furthermore, the more time spent on a smartphone screen equals less time spent on real face-to-face interaction. It is proven that eye contact makes human interaction more intimate. Remember, if you want to have a great college experience, put down your smartphone.

2. Alcohol addiction

I’m not telling you to stop drinking. You can go to whatever party you like and drink however you like. All I’m saying is don’t drink alcohol like its water. I have a friend who I will call Ricky. Ricky is a first year in college and got accepted to a fraternity. Ricky always carries a beer can and never drinks water (or I never saw him drink water). This may not seem like a big problem to you, but Ricky has a hard time doing his homework on time and passing class. Yes, Ricky has an alcohol addiction problem. Alcohol addiction will ruin your college GPA, and it will eventually make you dropout of school. Alcohol addiction is a serious problem, so next time you drink, drink responsibly.

3. Drug addiction

I’m sure this is straight forward. Please don’t be a drug addict. Becoming a drug addict is the fastest way to destroy everything you worked for.




Unification of Korea?

On April 27, president of South Korea, Moon Jae In, and the leader of North Korea, Kim Jung Un, will meet at Panmunjom to discuss peace negotiation for the Korean peninsula. For the meeting, each South and North Korea will send five representatives.


Experts say immediate negotiations on reunification of the Korean peninsula is near impossible, and that the prime purpose of this significant meeting must be focused on North Korea’s willingness to denuclearize and whether South Korea will accept to remove U.S force from her land.

Some South Koreans are worried and cautious about the meeting due to the unsuccessful peace negotiations in the past when South Korea paid North Korea a huge sum of money for a little in return. Moreover, young South Koreans say their economy cannot sustain if they unite with the poor North Koreans as overall tax will increase dramatically.

However, this peace negotiation is without a doubt a historical meeting. Two previous peace negotiations in 2000 and 2007 were both held in the capital of North Korea, Pyongyang, but 2018 peace negotiation is announced to be held at Panmunjom. Panmunjom is a blue building located at the 38th parallel, Demilitarized Zone, and it is where the armistice was signed in 1953. This distinct change in meeting location from Pyongyang to the Demilitarized Zone shows both leaders’ willingness to truly pursue peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Would there finally be peace on the Korean Peninsula? Is this the first step towards reunification? Only time will tell.


How to survive living in dorms 101

So you are going to live in a dorm, but you don’t know anything about it. Well, if you follow the list of advice below, you should be in great shape. Remember, if you don’t do stupid things you should be fine.


1. No fire

University dorms are strict with anything related to fire, because it can potentially burn down the whole building. In order to prevent unnecessary fire, almost all University dorms ban students from bringing anything that causes fire such as grill, candle, space heater, and the list goes on. Remember, safety first.

2. Be nice to your RA

You might be thinking who the heck is an RA. RA is short for resident assistant and they are specially trained students who supervises residence halls. Resident assistants are typically upperclassmen. They are known as the “police” among students living in dorms because they have the power to report you, but that is a misconception. My resident assistant last semester was really chill and we became great friends. They are there to help you and plus, they get paid! Resident assistant is a great resource because they are typically older and have more experience with the school. If you have any questions, you can always ask your RA.

3. Avoid drugs

Yes. I know. I hear you. I know University is a time for exploration and that you can do whatever you want. But doing drugs is not the kind of exploration you want to do, especially in dorms which is still a University property. The instant your RA smells or finds whatever illegal drugs you have, you will be punished for your actions. That is because you are now an adult. Be responsible and don’t blur your vision with drugs. You have greater things to do in college, so go get em.

4. Bring a desk lamp

Your bed is most likely going to be a bunk bed where your desk will be under a bed. This causes the bed to block most of the ceiling light and there won’t be sufficient light for you to study at your desk. To solve that problem, you just have to bring a desk lamp. Desk lamp can cost from five dollars to thirty dollars.

Another great use of a desk lamp is to use it as an alternative light source in the morning. Let’s say your roommate is sleeping because he has a 10 AM class, but you need to wake up and get ready right now, because your class is at 8 AM. Instead of turning on the ceiling light which will certainly irritate your roommate, you can use your desk lamp to get dressed, pack up your bag, and leave.

5. Please bring a broom and a dustpan

Have you ever vacuumed your room? If you have, you’ll know a clean room like yours still have a lot of dust on the floor. The same thing applies to your dorm room. The janitors will not clean your room. Your dorm room is a space where you will spend most of your night and even most of your day depending on your lifestyle. After a while, you will see pieces of your hair and some dust balls lying in the corner of your room which tells you that it is time for you to sweep your room.

6. Escape !

I strongly recommend you to make friends who don’t live in dorms. Living in a dorm can suck if you stay there for too long. You need to find somewhere new to spend a night. I have friends who don’t live in dorms, so every other week I would go to their apartments for a sleepover. It is a great way to refresh your body and to get away from school for a little bit.