Top 5 ways to succeed in Engineering College

So you like math and science, and after discussing with your friends, teachers, and parents, you decided to major in engineering. You’re happy because you know engineer’s starting salary is relatively higher than most other majors such as English, Psychology, and Political science. The good news is, you are right. You will end up earning more money than most majors, but the problem is “How do you succeed in Engineering College?”


1. Don’t take 19 hours of class per semester (Or whatever the maximum number of class hours a full-time student can take at your university)

We all know engineers are  over achievers, but taking 19 hours a semester can be the worst decision you make in your engineering college career. Let me tell you why. Unlike other majors, engineering classes have twice as much as homework compared to other general classes. For example, in a general English class, there may be a weekly reading assignment of thirty to fifty pages which means you need to read about five pages a day. This won’t take much of your time in a day.

On the other hand, in engineering physics class, there are online homework, written work, reading quiz, and weekly engineering lab. Everyday, an engineering student have to spend two to three hours of outside class work for every engineering related course such as chemistry, math, physics, and so on. What I recommend you is to choose the number of class hours you are comfortable with and can moderately handle. Remember, getting A’s in five of your classes is better than getting B’s in six of your classes.

2. Go talk to your professor

Some people recommend first year college students to go see their professor on the first day of class. Personally, I don’t think that’s a great way to connect with your professor. Don’t think of your professor as a tool, but rather a very intelligent, nerdy, old friend. Whenever you have trouble with your homework or don’t understand a passage from a textbook, go see your professor during his/her office hours. Some professors are nice enough to talk to you even when it is not their office hours. For example, when I was taking Differential Equations and had no idea what was going on, I went to see my professor three times a day even though it wasn’t even close to his office hours. Now, we created a bond and even tell jokes. You will be surprised by how many students don’t actually go see their professor-like never. So, if you do go talk to your professor once or twice a week, or even once a month, you’ll stand out from all the other students.

3. Refrain from partying

This advice may sound harsh for those who love partying, but engineering is not a joke. If you are thinking of partying every weekend, I recommend you changing your major to business. For engineering students, a weekend is a time for you to review all the difficult materials you learned throughout the past week as well as start doing your homework for the upcoming week. What I’m saying is, pre-crastinate and don’t pro-crastinate. The reason behind this is for you to have enough time to study for exams or prepare presentations during the upcoming week and not spend all your time doing homework then failing all your major assignment because you didn’t have time to prepare. I’m sorry, but welcome to the life of an engineer.

4. Make GOOD friends

Making GOOD friends is crucial. So, here are some criteria for a GOOD friend.

  1. They are motivated, so they motivate you
  2. They are organized, so they remind you important due dates
  3. They are early birds. Not all GOOD friends are early birds, but the majority of them are.
  4. They prioritize grades. I know grades aren’t everything, but it is a big portion for engineers. I mean, if you think you’re screwed, just think about those poor pre-med students.
  5. They know when to have fun.

Without GOOD friends, your engineering college career will be horrendous.

5. Don’t give up

Many engineering students end up changing their majors. It’s understandable if you realized engineering is not what you want, however, most cases is because they think it’s too difficult. Honestly, there is nothing easy in this world, and if you think changing to another major will make your life easier, you aren’t in the right mind. Every major and every person has unique hurdles to jump over, so…never give up!

Remember the five tips I gave you and I wish you guys a good luck!




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